Guest Speaker
Justin Smith who came on Oct. 24th did a great job.
He challenged us with the question:
Lovest thou me more than these? This was a question
Jesus asked Peter before his ascenson but still applies
to us today. He made the statement: love is not valid
until action is applied to it. This is so true in our walk
with God. Scripture says; faith without works is dead.
I can say I have faith but until I put action behind it...
as the the saying goes; all talk no action! So if Jesus
were to ask you; do you love me more than these things
in your everyday life, your job, your hobbies, etc. what
would be your reply? Most of us would say we love
God but do our actions show it? Are you ready to put
some action behind your words?!
Upcoming Events
*Thur. Nov. 4th Kids Night
*Fri. Nov. 12th Youth Rally @ the Link Apostolic
Church in Canton with a skate party to follow.
*Sat. 2:00 pm Girls late luncheon @ Dover Link
Apostolic Church
*Sat. Nov. 27th Marrieds Outing, Reeves Mansion tour
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