I hope you enjoy this article! It brings a song to my heart: "Just a Closer Walk With Thee"
My walk with God is just that my walk, and it's going to be different than your walk. Our God is a personal God and He'll meet you where you are. We've got to love one another where we're at, try to understand and be compassionate. Realizing that our tests and trials aren't going to be the same. Even our strengths and weaknesses aren't going to be the same. Once we realize God has put this body together and we learn to trust and rely on one another, this body will be greater than we could ever imagined. To lift up our Brothers and Sisters when they're sick or feel like they can't do it anymore. To love them as Christ loves us all. To speak life and encouragement into one anothers lives. We need to realize without one another there is something truly missing. Each one of us has been given a gift, a gift to help glorify Him and His kingdom. Those gifts are our gifts but NOT for our glory. This life we've been called to is not for spectators, it requires us to step up, step out. To be uncomfortable, to be unselfish and put all of those fleshy needs behind us. Will we stumble? Probably, will we fall? Maybe. But we need to know God loves us, He wants us. He created us for a specific time and a specific purpose. Will we make that choice to love Him wholly and unconditionally? With no strings attached? The “rules” the world sees are not rules but guidelines to keep us safe and protected, like any good parent He puts them into place for purpose. The purpose is to grow us, to help shape us.
By: Terrie Bailey
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